Friday, February 25, 2011

Chapter 8

Chapter eight was about Bud and his friend that he just had met.   Then he and his friend went to a restaurant and saw Deza there and Bud helped her clean dishes.  She kept touching his hand so I think she likes him.  Then it talked about them.  They were hanging out and talking.  Then Deza was going to kiss Bud.  He thought he had to kiss her rather wise he said she would think that he was to chicken.  Then she sang a song, it was a song from a small band she knew.  Then Bud and his friend had to get on a train that was supposed to take them to Chicago.  So when It was time to get on the train one of Bud's fliers flew out of his suite case.  It was his favorite one to.  The blue one.   So he had to run after the train. His friend yelled to throw the suite case up two him, because he got on the train in time.  But when Bud threw It up to him, his friend got the suite case but that blue flier blew out of the suite case.  Luckily It blew right into Bud's hands.  It was then to late, he couldn't get on the train.  Then the police came and again started burning up the shacks and other possessions that belonged to the property.  That was chapter eight.

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