Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blog Question

Do you think Bud's pretend parents in the Restaurant, during the morning were old, young, or mean, or nice?  Why or why not?


  1. I think they were maybe in there mid thirties and the were pretty nice for sneaking Bud in.

  2. I think they where nice cause they did let him eat with them they must of seen how Bud looked. The little boy was kind of upset and the little girl was just fine with it.

  3. I think they're in their mid thirties or fourties cause they were hitting him pretty hard. I also think they're nice and mean cause they kept on hitting him nice cause they gave him brown sugar.

  4. I don't think they were the youngest people there, but they were probably sort of old. I think they were nice for letting Bud eat and even get into the restaurant, but then again I think they were sort of mean for hitting him.

  5. I think nice cause they helped Bud and about forty two.
