Friday, March 25, 2011

Police Report

     I received a call saying their was a bomb in the Theodarakis coffee shop at Sun Set Towers after the blizzard. Once I arrived, I walked into the coffee shop.  I saw tomato sauce splattered all over in the kitchen.  On the walls and just a bit every where.   In the first bombing It was Mrs. Theodorakis, she's the one who was cooking when the first bomb went off.  She was cooking tomato sauce in a can.  Their was tomato on her apron, hair and face. A witness, Mr. Doug Hoo, said his thought was that the oven was on to high, and that's his thought why the tomato sauce exploded.  The witnesses in this scene were the names of Theo and Chris Theodarakis, Sydelle Pulaski, George Theodarakis, Grace Wexler, and Judge Ford.

     I received another call saying their was a bomb in the Shin Hoo's Restaurant at Sun Set Towers.  Once I arrived, I walked into the restaurant.  I saw ashes on the ground.  I also noticed that someone was slightly injured. It was Mrs. Sydelle Pulaski. The people that were there with the ambulance, said they only thought Sydelle had a slight fracture in her right ankle. She was put on to a stretcher.  I also noticed that their were sprinklers set off. So it was told it was a good thing Mr. Hoo had a sprinkler system or he could of had a good fire. The witnesses in this scene were the names of Sydelle Pulaski, Otis Amber, Grace Wexler, Jake Wexler, Angela Wexler Turtle Wexler, Chris, Mr. and Mr. Theodarakis, Judge Ford, Mrs. Flora Baumbach.

     The similarities I have noticed are that in both scenes, once the bombs went off their was hissing, and then a bang bang, then their are red sparks then purple sparks. Second in both scenes both the bombs took place in kitchens.  Third their were many of the same witnesses in both of the scenes. 

    I believe that it is possible for Otis Amber to be a suspect since in the last bomb in Mr. Hoo's kitchen a bundled and booted figure walked through the door, and yelled Otis Amber has arrived.  Then straight after that that is when the bomb went off. So I believe possibly the person that walked through the door at that time could of yelled Otis's name to distract the witnesses, since it was a bit strange Otis had not been in either scene when the bombs went off. Even though the snow on the roads were keeping him from being there at that time you never know where he could have been. He could of set the bombs earlier, before he arrived.  So when the strange man arrived through the door, he could have been distracting the witnesses away from asking Otis why had he taken so long even though the roads were holding him back. Another strange thing was no one new the person.  That is the person I think If you put some certain clues together he could just maybe be the suspect setting off these bombs at Sun Set Towers.

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