Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chapters 9-14

Chapter 9
Bud goes to the library again and he was looking for a civil war book.   Then after he left the library the librarian asked if he was hungry and he said yes.  So then she gave him a bag with a sandwich in it.    Then he was ready two set out on his journey to meet his dad, Herman E. Calloway.

Chapter 10
Bud meets a guy driving down the road that saw Bud.  Bud thought he was a vampire though because this man had a box in his car that said blood.  So Bud got into the car while this man opened the door that opened to Bud's side of the car.  When the man closed the door Bud slid over and locked all the doors, and then climbed into the drivers seat. Then put his foot on the pedal.

Chapter 11
The man finally caught up to Bud in the car.   He told the guy beware I have a pocket knife right under my leg and I'm not afraid to use it.  The man told Bud the blood in the box is not from me it is for some one's operation. He also mentioned after he told Bud he could open it and when Bud did their were only bottles of blood. That he wouldn't need to catch any body and suck the blood out of their neck's he would just use the bottle's of blood to drink. Then the guy had two show Bud his teeth. Finally Bud let the man in the car. Then the man told Bud he new his father.  On the car way two this man's house the man said my name is Lefty Lewis.   Bud pretended two fall a sleep so he wouldn't haft to keep listening to this man asking him so many questions.

Chapter 12
Once they got to Lefty Lewis's home Bud still pretended to be a sleep.  Lefty Lewis's wife cleaned his close ad cleaned him up.  Then layed him on a bed so Bud could stretch his legs out.  Then after a while he woke up and acted like he didn't know where he was when he really did.  Then Lefty Lewis's wife said come down I made some breakfast.  The hole family went down stairs to eat breakfast. Lefty Lewis's kids kept asking Bud questions.  Then during the time they were eating Bud watched to see how much the other kids would take cause he didn't want to look like a pig or anything.  Bud sure did have a good breakfast though.

Chapter 13
It was time for them to get back on the road. So Lefty Lewis could get to his dad.  Bud was so excited to  meet his father.  After they got on the road to go meet Bud's father, they ran into some traffic.  Every one  knew Bud's dad.   Once they got to the studio his dad worked at, Bud ran in the door.  He new his dad the moment  he saw the back of his dad's head.  When he heard Mr. Calloway's voice it was different then he had expected.  His dad was also taller then had expected.

Chapter 14
Bud's dad got up then Bud met all the band members and  Bud's dad said I'm Herman E. Calloway who are you?  Bud said I believe I am your son. Herman E. Calloway didn't believe him at all. Later on in the chapter they went out to eat and Bud met their singer. She talked to him for a while then it was time to order.  Then Bud told her about him and how his dad is Herman E. Calloway.  After they all ate bud was laughing at some thing so hard he for the first time began to cry. It was shocking and unbelievable.

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