Friday, March 11, 2011

Kiersten Seufert's Rules and Things for having a funner life and making a better liar out of your self.

Rules and Things number 12
 When an adult tells you that you don't have to many chores don't believe them, because you usually end up having a whole list full of chores to do.

Rules and Things number 467
 If your parents tell you to eat your broccoli and you don't want to, make sure you leave that for last and then once you get done with every thing else say oh sorry I'm to full to eat it.

Rules and Things number 82
 If your to young to ride on a ride at the carnival, then go back in 30 minutes with a pair of really high shoes on, and if they ask if you were already there, then say that was my identical twin.

Rules and Things number 36
 If you wanna pull a trick on a sibling then set their alarm for 2:00 in the morning on Saturday, and say that they are late for school, then if they woke up your parents, run back up to your room and act like your sleeping. They would never know.

Rules and Things number 14
  If their is a relative you don't particularly like then when ever your over at there home, and they ever fall asleep, then spray whip cream on the palm of their hand, and use something to tickle their nose with, then if they have a dog, send the dog in to lick it off of their nose. Once they wake up and they look over at you, because the dog is licking their nose just say it's just giving you some love.

Rules and Things number 213,000,000
 If a guy asks you to dance, always ask what kind of dance first so in case you don't know how to dance that kind of dance you won't embarrass your self. Then after he tells you just smile and flip your hair, the hair flipping usually makes the guy think your cute.

Rules and Things number 6
 If you haft to do homework  for somebody at your home, when you haft to do your own home work, then they haft to do your chores for a week.

Rules and Things number 40
 If their is girl drama going on at school, then ignore it. Defiantly!

Rules and Things number 502
 If it's nice out side, go out every chance you get.

Rules and Things number 98
 One thing you should always do is where a seat belt in the car. For your safety and others.

Rules and Things number 18
 Always try to get your homework done, that way you can go out side, and don't haft to stay in for recess.

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