Friday, April 1, 2011

Westing Murder Suspects

I think one of the murderer's are Flora Baumbach because when the story said she had a retarded daughter it's possible that she could have hated her own daughter. Then her husband left her and sent her no money. That could of been because she screamed at him or could of hurt him so he left her.  It's possible he did not send money because he did not want her finding him if he sent money in a letter and it would show is address. It never did say in the story why her husband left her so it could be possible.
     I think Dr. Denton Deere is another one of the murderer suspects. I think it was him because he kidnapped Chris and Chris is handy cap so you wouldn't think somebody would do that but you just never know. He also hates Turtle and with being engaged with a very kind person it's strange he would be so mean. He could also just be a doctor so that know one expects him to be the murderer. Since he would help people not hurt them. He also was lying to Chris about saying they were going to have a sleepover but he really kidnapped him. When Cris does not know any better. You would not think a doctor would lie to a patient that can not walk or have very many abilities to do things because they can't.
     I think the last murderer of the murderer suspects could be Otis Amber. I think it could be him because he was not in the scene of the first bombing so he could have been some where else acting suspicious. He also keeps saying in the book don't blame me for being a suspect because I'm not. That could just be one of his tricks. He also delivers the mail to the Westing house, well he did and to all of Sunset towers. So he probably knows a lot of people and a lot of things. So that probably gives him the right to know something and have revenge over something so he could hurt someone. Also since he delivered mail to the Westing home he could of been the one to hurt Mr. Westing.

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