Tuesday, February 1, 2011


There once was a girl named Riley,
She had the biggest house in Hawaii,
She got rid of the house,
Then lived with a mouse,
And changed her name to Shyley.

There once was a fat old frog,
That just sat there on a log,
And stared there at the sun,
And then begun,
To hop off for a jog.

There once was a boy named I,
Who was very very shy,
He had two eyes,
Hung with the guys,
And told a bunch of lies.

There once were some cooks,
Who read lots of books
That piled up real high,
Clear up to the sky,
And had there good looks.


  1. Good Job I like the one with the boy named I I really liked that one.

  2. The fat old frog was my favorite! Keep up the good work!
