Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chapter's 7-10

 Chapter 7
Byron gets a brand new hair due, that he's not supposed to but did any way.  When momma finds out she stays calm, and just told him that his dad could deal with him when he got home.  When his dad gets home his dad tells Byron to come down stairs. So Byron does and dad takes him up to the bathroom, and shaves his head til he was completely bald.

Chapter 8
Papa and momma are going to send Byron to grandma Sands for the summer.  So they go start buying things for the Brown Bomber. Then one day dad has the family come out side and see what he had gotten.  It was a radio.  They all got to listen to ther songs that day.

Chapter 9
The Watsons gather there things to take Byron to Birmingham.  Momma has a notebook that she has everything planned in for the next three days.  They then begun to start there journey. Some nights they didn't  stay in a motel. There just kept going.

Chapter 10
As they were pulling over some where there lights turned off. Every one was quite frightened. Kenny said that the mountains looked like big monster's.  Then Joetta said she was scared.  But finally they got the lights going and got going again.

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