Monday, February 21, 2011

Bud Not Buddy Chapters 1-7

Chapters 1-2
Chapter one was about meeting Bud Caldwell who liked to be called Bud Not Buddy.  Then it talks about him meeting the Amos's and their son Toddy.  Bud has a suite case that carries his clothes,  rocks in a bag, and really important fliers.  He also carried some other important things in their.  He always  tied a curtain sort of knot on his suite case so if somebody looked in side it and they tied it right back up Buddy would know.   Chapter two was about sort of a fight, one morning Bud woke up and somebody was sticking a pencil up his nose.  Well guess who it was Toddy the big shot! He was trying to see how far he could get it up Bud's nose.  So they got into quite the little fight.  Bud got into some trouble by Mrs. Amos, when it was really Toddy's fault.  So the punishment for Buddy was to get his suite case taken away, and haft to sleep in the shed.

Chapters 3-4
Chapter three is about Buddy sleeping in the shed Mr. Amos has Buddy walk to the shed with him and then puts him in there and the windows are even covered up.  So that night was frightening. Bud saw a bat [a real one] but it was really a hornets nest.  He thinks he needs to stab the hornets in their hearts.   But I don't think that is a good idea. Bud finds a way out of the door.  Chapter four is about Bud he finds his way out of the door on the shed and one of the Amos's windows were still open.   So Bud decided why not just slide right in side so he did.  He found his suite case and then something bad happened, he found the Amos's gun case and was going to think about shooting the Amos's but nope didn't happen.

Chapters 5-6
Chapter five is about Bud and he goes to the library.  He asks the librarian if she could watch his suite case for a while.  To keep it behind the counter/ check out desk.  She said that was fine.  Then it talked about Bud's mom and why she named him Bud.   She named him Bud because a bud is a flower, it's a name of a dog.   Chapter six is about him going to this restaurant.   These people think that he looks like their son. So they mistaken him for another boy.  So somebody paid for his dinner.

Chapter 7
Chapter seven is about Bud going  to the library and retrieving his suite case.   He asks for a particular librarian.  But they are not there.  Bud loves the sweet, fresh, new smell of the library.  The lady at the front desk says that this librarian Bud is looking g for has moved.  Then it tells another one of Bud Caldwell's rules.  Then at the end of the chapter the lady at the desk tells Bud how long it would take to walk to the librarian's house he was looking for.

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