Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chapters 5-6 The Watsons go to Birmingham

Chapter five
This chapter is about Byron, he goes up stairs to the bathroom and locks the door.  The only time he ever locks the door is if he's up to something.  After a while Kenny went up there and looked through the key hole, and he saw Byron, he was playing with some fake little figures that he made out of toilet paper.  He was practicing a fake movie he was performing.  He named the fake movie Nazi Parachutes Attack America and Get shot down over the Flint River by Captain Byron Watson and His Flame thrower of Death.  He was doing crazy things like when one of the parachutist was dead Byron would flush them down the toilet pretending they were floating down the Flint river.  Soon after mom got tired hearing the toilet every few seconds, she went up there and pounded on the bathroom door, it flew open and hit the bathtub.  She was furious Byron was using matches and she grabbed him by the neck, and drug him down the stairs with one hand on the neck and matches in the other. Once they got in the living room mom looked in her hand that the wet matches were in.  Mom's hands tend to get sweaty when she gets mad or very upset.  So she told Joetta to go in the kitchen and get some new matches Joetta refused she didn't think   that was such a good idea for her mom  to burn Byron. But the mom was going to teach him a lesson so he learns to leave alone the matches.  At the end of the chapter it almost happened, when mom gave up.
Chapter six
In chapter six mom asks the kids to go to the market and get a half gallon of milk, a loaf of bread, and a small can of tomato paste.  So they weren't going to argue.  They went to the store but mom had told them they had to tell the man they were on the welfare list. The kids were really embarrassed they did not want to be made fun of because they are on the welfare list at the market. As they got there they found what they needed, and what do you know, Byron went and hid behind the comics aisle so a least he wouldn't haft to be embarrassed.   Kenny was told the amount of the food and really quietly so no one could hear told the cashier, but we're on the welfare list. The clerk said there's nothing to be embarrassed about a welfare means that your dad doesn't haft to pay for something you buy every time you're here that means that he will pay for it next time. They were both very relieved  to hear that.  As they walked out the door Byron was acting all sweet and generous.  He put his arm around Kenny and even offered to carry the grocery bags.  Byron had bought some things like, cookies.  That his parents had not known about and weren't going to.  He offered Kenny one, at first Kenny wasn't quite sure.  He thought possibly it was a trick, or that it had fell on the ground and there was dirt on the top.  But ate it and it was fine. Byron offered a few more, and a few more.  Which was quite strange.  Kenny couldn't tell his parents because he had eaten some himself, so he had to take part of the blame.  He didn't want to get in trouble though so that was there little secret.  That was practically that chapter.

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