Friday, January 7, 2011

Chapters 1-2

The Watsons go to Birmingham
Chapter 1
     Chapter one is about a family, the Watsons.   Where they live it is freezing out side, they say that it feels like one thousand below zero.   They all huddle together on the couch because there heater doesn't work good at all.   So they are going to go to there aunts house.   So they tell the kids that they need to scrape off the windshield so they can see to pole out. There was a bar that divided each half.   Byron would get a half, and Kenny would get a half. So as they started Kenny was almost done and he asked Byron how he was coming and all he had done was the one mirror so that he could see him self.    Kenny always does all the work.    As Byron looked at him self in the mirror he started saying things about how he looked that he looked so handsome.   He kissed his reflection and what do you know his lips have frozen to the mirror.    Kenny continued  working and she heard keh-ee keh-ee.  Kenny ran in and got his parents. His parents came out her dad started crying because he was laughing so hard, and his mom was just about to cry.    Dad started to joke about we are just going to haft to drive to your aunts house and and Byron will just haft to run along the side of the car. Mom didn't think that was funny at all she mentioned using warm water and pouring it against the glass of the mirror.   They tried that didn't work it only froze.   So mom put her hand under his chin and on his forhead and said I'm sorry I  haft to do this and ripped him off.  That was pretty much it.     

Chapter 2
     Chapter two is about Kenny in school.   He gets bullied a lot.    Byron thinks he rules the school.  Which makes Kenny's life in school even worse.    People make fun of him, they pick on him, they call him  names.  Every once in a while Byron and his friend will skip school.  Then when Kenny would get off of the bus  he would always be the last one to get off because Because Byron and Buphead would always be there waiting.     Later on in the chapter Kenny had to start wearing an eye patch because every time he looked in the mirror his eye would go back in the corner. That was pretty much all chapter two was about.


1 comment:

  1. is that a good book it sounds like it and i like your blog I like your background and and it is nice to have you as a friend and see you at school!!!!
