I received a call saying their was a bomb in the Theodarakis coffee shop at Sun Set Towers after the blizzard. Once I arrived, I walked into the coffee shop. I saw tomato sauce splattered all over in the kitchen. On the walls and just a bit every where. In the first bombing It was Mrs. Theodorakis, she's the one who was cooking when the first bomb went off. She was cooking tomato sauce in a can. Their was tomato on her apron, hair and face. A witness, Mr. Doug Hoo, said his thought was that the oven was on to high, and that's his thought why the tomato sauce exploded. The witnesses in this scene were the names of Theo and Chris Theodarakis, Sydelle Pulaski, George Theodarakis, Grace Wexler, and Judge Ford.
I received another call saying their was a bomb in the Shin Hoo's Restaurant at Sun Set Towers. Once I arrived, I walked into the restaurant. I saw ashes on the ground. I also noticed that someone was slightly injured. It was Mrs. Sydelle Pulaski. The people that were there with the ambulance, said they only thought Sydelle had a slight fracture in her right ankle. She was put on to a stretcher. I also noticed that their were sprinklers set off. So it was told it was a good thing Mr. Hoo had a sprinkler system or he could of had a good fire. The witnesses in this scene were the names of Sydelle Pulaski, Otis Amber, Grace Wexler, Jake Wexler, Angela Wexler Turtle Wexler, Chris, Mr. and Mr. Theodarakis, Judge Ford, Mrs. Flora Baumbach.
The similarities I have noticed are that in both scenes, once the bombs went off their was hissing, and then a bang bang, then their are red sparks then purple sparks. Second in both scenes both the bombs took place in kitchens. Third their were many of the same witnesses in both of the scenes.
I believe that it is possible for Otis Amber to be a suspect since in the last bomb in Mr. Hoo's kitchen a bundled and booted figure walked through the door, and yelled Otis Amber has arrived. Then straight after that that is when the bomb went off. So I believe possibly the person that walked through the door at that time could of yelled Otis's name to distract the witnesses, since it was a bit strange Otis had not been in either scene when the bombs went off. Even though the snow on the roads were keeping him from being there at that time you never know where he could have been. He could of set the bombs earlier, before he arrived. So when the strange man arrived through the door, he could have been distracting the witnesses away from asking Otis why had he taken so long even though the roads were holding him back. Another strange thing was no one new the person. That is the person I think If you put some certain clues together he could just maybe be the suspect setting off these bombs at Sun Set Towers.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
When I Grow Up...
When I Grow Up...
When I grow up I would like to be an artist. That paints and sketches. The money I would collect from costumers when I would sell a painting. Would go to a children's hospital for kids, that need the help to cure their sicknesses. I hope I would help them and help make them happy! I love art!
When I grow up I would like to be a chef. I would like to be a chef because I think it would be cool if you were a really good chef and you were able to compete in cooking shows! To see who made the better dish. I have always wanted to make a really good dinner for my family. But apparently at age ten I’m still a bit to young to make hard dishes. I love cooking!
When I grow up I want to be a dancer. I would like to dance to hip-hop and be creative with the dances I dance in. I would like to open a dance studio. I like dancing because it’s a time you get to have fun and enjoy dancing. Also you can enjoy dancing with your friends or family. I love dancing!
By Kiersten Seufert
March 11, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
New Westing Character
The new character I would add to be Sydelle Pulaski's partner in The Westing Game would be a typical teenager. That is at the age of 15. Her name would be Liza. She loves to chew bubble gum, she could go two hole weeks chewing the same piece of gum without switching to a new piece or flavor. She thinks she knows every thing in the world [but she really doesn't]. She has a great personality. If some body at the Sun Set Towers were to have a problem [girls only] with boys she would defiantly be the right kind of person to go to for advise. Her kind of style is the kind of funky teenager look. All she ever really wore for her kind of style was a hoodie with a tank top under, and capris and sneakers. Also a funky checker striped hat with her hair down and straitened. She will works in the coffee shop. She also is some body that knows what happened more about the night Mr. Westing had died in his own home. She defiantly is a true friendly human being though, I could tell you that!
Monday, March 14, 2011
The Westing Game Prediction
I predict that The Westing Game will be about... I think since their are one thousand dollar bills on the front cover of the book, and the dollars are making a house. I am guessing that maybe some body is a millionaire. Maybe their are is a haunted house that somebody used to live in, and this person was a millionaire. Their are probably some strange people in this book, since it is a mystery book. Their could be a secret living among the house on the front cover of the book. I also think that maybe their are some children that is my age in the story. Then maybe they are looking for clues first to be able to find something they are looking for. I think this will be a good book!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Kiersten Seufert's Rules and Things for having a funner life and making a better liar out of your self.
Rules and Things number 12
When an adult tells you that you don't have to many chores don't believe them, because you usually end up having a whole list full of chores to do.
Rules and Things number 467
If your parents tell you to eat your broccoli and you don't want to, make sure you leave that for last and then once you get done with every thing else say oh sorry I'm to full to eat it.
Rules and Things number 82
If your to young to ride on a ride at the carnival, then go back in 30 minutes with a pair of really high shoes on, and if they ask if you were already there, then say that was my identical twin.
Rules and Things number 36
If you wanna pull a trick on a sibling then set their alarm for 2:00 in the morning on Saturday, and say that they are late for school, then if they woke up your parents, run back up to your room and act like your sleeping. They would never know.
Rules and Things number 14
If their is a relative you don't particularly like then when ever your over at there home, and they ever fall asleep, then spray whip cream on the palm of their hand, and use something to tickle their nose with, then if they have a dog, send the dog in to lick it off of their nose. Once they wake up and they look over at you, because the dog is licking their nose just say it's just giving you some love.
Rules and Things number 213,000,000
If a guy asks you to dance, always ask what kind of dance first so in case you don't know how to dance that kind of dance you won't embarrass your self. Then after he tells you just smile and flip your hair, the hair flipping usually makes the guy think your cute.
Rules and Things number 6
If you haft to do homework for somebody at your home, when you haft to do your own home work, then they haft to do your chores for a week.
Rules and Things number 40
If their is girl drama going on at school, then ignore it. Defiantly!
Rules and Things number 502
If it's nice out side, go out every chance you get.
Rules and Things number 98
One thing you should always do is where a seat belt in the car. For your safety and others.
Rules and Things number 18
Always try to get your homework done, that way you can go out side, and don't haft to stay in for recess.
When an adult tells you that you don't have to many chores don't believe them, because you usually end up having a whole list full of chores to do.
Rules and Things number 467
If your parents tell you to eat your broccoli and you don't want to, make sure you leave that for last and then once you get done with every thing else say oh sorry I'm to full to eat it.
Rules and Things number 82
If your to young to ride on a ride at the carnival, then go back in 30 minutes with a pair of really high shoes on, and if they ask if you were already there, then say that was my identical twin.
Rules and Things number 36
If you wanna pull a trick on a sibling then set their alarm for 2:00 in the morning on Saturday, and say that they are late for school, then if they woke up your parents, run back up to your room and act like your sleeping. They would never know.
Rules and Things number 14
If their is a relative you don't particularly like then when ever your over at there home, and they ever fall asleep, then spray whip cream on the palm of their hand, and use something to tickle their nose with, then if they have a dog, send the dog in to lick it off of their nose. Once they wake up and they look over at you, because the dog is licking their nose just say it's just giving you some love.
Rules and Things number 213,000,000
If a guy asks you to dance, always ask what kind of dance first so in case you don't know how to dance that kind of dance you won't embarrass your self. Then after he tells you just smile and flip your hair, the hair flipping usually makes the guy think your cute.
Rules and Things number 6
If you haft to do homework for somebody at your home, when you haft to do your own home work, then they haft to do your chores for a week.
Rules and Things number 40
If their is girl drama going on at school, then ignore it. Defiantly!
Rules and Things number 502
If it's nice out side, go out every chance you get.
Rules and Things number 98
One thing you should always do is where a seat belt in the car. For your safety and others.
Rules and Things number 18
Always try to get your homework done, that way you can go out side, and don't haft to stay in for recess.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
My favorite book is The Watsons Go To Birmingham- 1963
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This is the famous author of The Watsons Go To Birmingham-1963, Bud Not Buddy and many more others. |
My favorite book is The Watsons Go To Birmingham-1963. I like this book the most because I think some of the chapters are hilarious. I also like this book because I like the charachters. The author is another reason I like these books, I think he is a creative author. I like the places they go in thios book. It makes the book even neater. This book is a really good book.
This is a pic of the Watsons Go To Birmingham![]() |
My favorite subject is math
My favorite subject is Math. Even though sometimes I don't want to do my math I still enjoy learning it. It helps me improve If I practice. I have sort of struggled with math over the years, but I am becoming better. Math also helps me with other subjects. Math is a fun subject.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Chapters 9-14
Chapter 9
Bud goes to the library again and he was looking for a civil war book. Then after he left the library the librarian asked if he was hungry and he said yes. So then she gave him a bag with a sandwich in it. Then he was ready two set out on his journey to meet his dad, Herman E. Calloway.
Chapter 10
Bud meets a guy driving down the road that saw Bud. Bud thought he was a vampire though because this man had a box in his car that said blood. So Bud got into the car while this man opened the door that opened to Bud's side of the car. When the man closed the door Bud slid over and locked all the doors, and then climbed into the drivers seat. Then put his foot on the pedal.
Chapter 11
The man finally caught up to Bud in the car. He told the guy beware I have a pocket knife right under my leg and I'm not afraid to use it. The man told Bud the blood in the box is not from me it is for some one's operation. He also mentioned after he told Bud he could open it and when Bud did their were only bottles of blood. That he wouldn't need to catch any body and suck the blood out of their neck's he would just use the bottle's of blood to drink. Then the guy had two show Bud his teeth. Finally Bud let the man in the car. Then the man told Bud he new his father. On the car way two this man's house the man said my name is Lefty Lewis. Bud pretended two fall a sleep so he wouldn't haft to keep listening to this man asking him so many questions.
Chapter 12
Once they got to Lefty Lewis's home Bud still pretended to be a sleep. Lefty Lewis's wife cleaned his close ad cleaned him up. Then layed him on a bed so Bud could stretch his legs out. Then after a while he woke up and acted like he didn't know where he was when he really did. Then Lefty Lewis's wife said come down I made some breakfast. The hole family went down stairs to eat breakfast. Lefty Lewis's kids kept asking Bud questions. Then during the time they were eating Bud watched to see how much the other kids would take cause he didn't want to look like a pig or anything. Bud sure did have a good breakfast though.
Chapter 13
It was time for them to get back on the road. So Lefty Lewis could get to his dad. Bud was so excited to meet his father. After they got on the road to go meet Bud's father, they ran into some traffic. Every one knew Bud's dad. Once they got to the studio his dad worked at, Bud ran in the door. He new his dad the moment he saw the back of his dad's head. When he heard Mr. Calloway's voice it was different then he had expected. His dad was also taller then had expected.
Chapter 14
Bud's dad got up then Bud met all the band members and Bud's dad said I'm Herman E. Calloway who are you? Bud said I believe I am your son. Herman E. Calloway didn't believe him at all. Later on in the chapter they went out to eat and Bud met their singer. She talked to him for a while then it was time to order. Then Bud told her about him and how his dad is Herman E. Calloway. After they all ate bud was laughing at some thing so hard he for the first time began to cry. It was shocking and unbelievable.
Bud goes to the library again and he was looking for a civil war book. Then after he left the library the librarian asked if he was hungry and he said yes. So then she gave him a bag with a sandwich in it. Then he was ready two set out on his journey to meet his dad, Herman E. Calloway.
Chapter 10
Bud meets a guy driving down the road that saw Bud. Bud thought he was a vampire though because this man had a box in his car that said blood. So Bud got into the car while this man opened the door that opened to Bud's side of the car. When the man closed the door Bud slid over and locked all the doors, and then climbed into the drivers seat. Then put his foot on the pedal.
Chapter 11
The man finally caught up to Bud in the car. He told the guy beware I have a pocket knife right under my leg and I'm not afraid to use it. The man told Bud the blood in the box is not from me it is for some one's operation. He also mentioned after he told Bud he could open it and when Bud did their were only bottles of blood. That he wouldn't need to catch any body and suck the blood out of their neck's he would just use the bottle's of blood to drink. Then the guy had two show Bud his teeth. Finally Bud let the man in the car. Then the man told Bud he new his father. On the car way two this man's house the man said my name is Lefty Lewis. Bud pretended two fall a sleep so he wouldn't haft to keep listening to this man asking him so many questions.
Chapter 12
Once they got to Lefty Lewis's home Bud still pretended to be a sleep. Lefty Lewis's wife cleaned his close ad cleaned him up. Then layed him on a bed so Bud could stretch his legs out. Then after a while he woke up and acted like he didn't know where he was when he really did. Then Lefty Lewis's wife said come down I made some breakfast. The hole family went down stairs to eat breakfast. Lefty Lewis's kids kept asking Bud questions. Then during the time they were eating Bud watched to see how much the other kids would take cause he didn't want to look like a pig or anything. Bud sure did have a good breakfast though.
Chapter 13
It was time for them to get back on the road. So Lefty Lewis could get to his dad. Bud was so excited to meet his father. After they got on the road to go meet Bud's father, they ran into some traffic. Every one knew Bud's dad. Once they got to the studio his dad worked at, Bud ran in the door. He new his dad the moment he saw the back of his dad's head. When he heard Mr. Calloway's voice it was different then he had expected. His dad was also taller then had expected.
Chapter 14
Bud's dad got up then Bud met all the band members and Bud's dad said I'm Herman E. Calloway who are you? Bud said I believe I am your son. Herman E. Calloway didn't believe him at all. Later on in the chapter they went out to eat and Bud met their singer. She talked to him for a while then it was time to order. Then Bud told her about him and how his dad is Herman E. Calloway. After they all ate bud was laughing at some thing so hard he for the first time began to cry. It was shocking and unbelievable.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Robert Edwin Peary Cabrillo
• He was born on May sixth 1856.
• He was born in Cressen, Pennsylvania.
• He died on February 20th 1920.
• Him and his assistant Matthew Henson and four Inuit men were the first people to reach the North Pole on April 6 1909.• One of the officers in the United States Navy, It was commander Peary's Eighth attempt to reach the North Pole in two decades exploring arctic regions.
• He doesn't give up.
• He was born on May sixth 1856.
• He was born in Cressen, Pennsylvania.
• He died on February 20th 1920.

• His wife is Josephine Diebutsch.
• His family lived in Fryeburg, Maine for awhile.
• Their is now a monument that is honored after him on top of Jockey Cap.• When he lived in Fryeburg, Maine he went hiking a lot.
Opinions• He really wanted to reach the goal of reaching the North Pole.
• He was a pretty nice man!
• He must of been so generous that their is even a monument honored after him.
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