Thursday, April 14, 2011

Five Years Past....

Five years past....
It's been five years past since the Westing house was burnt down from fire works on the Fourth of July. Angela Wexler is now in medical school, working a part time job. She does not see her sister Turtle often, but she knows even though she is not spending time with Turtle at that time she is still very close. The scar that was indented the day of the third bomb, is still indented on her face today. Turtle Wexler is still involved with the stock market, she has made it a hobbie. She is now almost fully an adult. She is out of school, working her years in college trying to get a good education. She still is a shin kicking Turtle. Since Angela has been working in medical school and she is not at home, it has gave a Turtle a chance to become closer to her mother. Turtle in college, has not gave her very much time to spend time with her mother, but she calls home about every day. That has made her closer and closer to her mother. Grace Welxer is taking on a big part in trying to be a better mother. She has been working in a restaurant. Serving many different people. At her age she likes to do jumble puzzles in the daily paper. Mr. Wexler is working with the insurance company. Helping people with their insurance problems. Also helping people find good plans for their insurance. 
     Flora Baumbach has continued working as a dress maker. She has became very successful with designing new patterns and shapes for gowns and dresses. She misses Turtle a bunch, but she is working through it and understands every one hast to do their time in college and watch family and friends leave so they can start their journey. She now is in the habit into collecting nick-knacks. Sydelle Palaski no longer needs the attention, so has became a assistant in the kids hospital giving kids the attention that she always wanted to make them feel good about themselves. To let them know there's someone is their and will listen to them and let them express their selves. She is also became a very kind person and does not put all of the attention on her self.
     Otis Amber is enjoying his life being married to Crow. He is no longer a 60 year old delivery man. He does not live in the basement of the soup kitchen. He now is a retired man and is just enjoying being a lazy man. He has also went in to the barber shop to get his bald head shined and polished. Berth Erica Crow has went into the fortune telling. But enjoys her life being married to Otis Amber. She has became a good person, not that she wasn't. J. J. Ford was a bit over relieved after the Westing game. But continued to be a full time judge. Working with cases, and who knows she kept going after the crazy Westing Game. She has been participating in other crazy games with clues to solve and people to be found. She also gave Chris Theodarakis the money that she had received from the game. To help him out so that he was able to get a great education.
     Theo, has published a book he was writing that his agents thought was so good that he might as well publish it. Chris has healed mostly from being handicapped. That means he does not haft to be in his wheel chair any longer. He is still getting used of being up on his feet and being able to have the ability to do things again. He is put on a medication to keep healing his body, but is doing well on his own. He still has someone with him at all times helping him if he needs it. Mr. Theodarakis is a stay at home dad. Who now continues to stay home and watch the football game for excuses. Mrs. Wexler is a stay at home mom. But volunteers to bake and cook healthy meals for many different shelters. Feeding people that can not afford buying warm meals. She enjoys the experience since she loves cooking.
     Doug Hoo has became a world famous track runner. He has ran in many sports events and during certain occasions. He has one many gold, Bron's,silver,copper medals. He is almost the number one top sports runner in the state. He has grown up. He still attends school for that great education he needs to have to be able to graduate. But it will help to stay in school even though he has grown up and is now out of college, because it will only make him better for running. But he has girlfriend who he is engaged with. Mr. Hoo still has the mean old man he always was in him. He is still working in the business of running Shin Hoo's restaurant. Madame Hoo is taking classes to learn some English words. As you heard she only knows a few words. She is now a cook in not only one restaurant but two restaurant's.
     Denton Deere, sorry to say is a lonely man without Angela. But has found the way to move on and is now married to another woman. They have a daughter that is now 12 months old. He is now really truely a docter witch helps his new family's insurance. The 16 Westing heir's are all growing up and moving on. Five years since the crazy Westing Game.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Westing game cast

Flora Baumbach/ Beth Smith
Turtle Wexler/ Dana Gaier
Madame Hoo/ Rosalind Chao
Jake Wexler/ David Hasselhoff
Christos Theodorakis/ Channing Tatum
Denton Deere/ Sunkrish Bala
James Hoo/ Jacki Chan
Gracie Windkloppel Wexler/ Candice Bergen
J.J. Ford/ Tisha Campbell- Martin
Alexander McSouthers/ Eric Allan Kramer
Berthe Erica Crow/ Barbra streisand
Otis Amber/ Stanely Tucci
Douglas Hoo/ Zhenwei Wang
Theo Theodorakis/ Bryan Fisher
Sydelle Pulaski/ Amy Adams
Angela Wexler/ Odette Yustman

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Are You Excited For Easter Break???

     So are you excited for easter break? Why or Why Not? Are you going easter egg hunting? Have you seen the movie Hop? Happy early Easter!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Westing Murder Suspects

I think one of the murderer's are Flora Baumbach because when the story said she had a retarded daughter it's possible that she could have hated her own daughter. Then her husband left her and sent her no money. That could of been because she screamed at him or could of hurt him so he left her.  It's possible he did not send money because he did not want her finding him if he sent money in a letter and it would show is address. It never did say in the story why her husband left her so it could be possible.
     I think Dr. Denton Deere is another one of the murderer suspects. I think it was him because he kidnapped Chris and Chris is handy cap so you wouldn't think somebody would do that but you just never know. He also hates Turtle and with being engaged with a very kind person it's strange he would be so mean. He could also just be a doctor so that know one expects him to be the murderer. Since he would help people not hurt them. He also was lying to Chris about saying they were going to have a sleepover but he really kidnapped him. When Cris does not know any better. You would not think a doctor would lie to a patient that can not walk or have very many abilities to do things because they can't.
     I think the last murderer of the murderer suspects could be Otis Amber. I think it could be him because he was not in the scene of the first bombing so he could have been some where else acting suspicious. He also keeps saying in the book don't blame me for being a suspect because I'm not. That could just be one of his tricks. He also delivers the mail to the Westing house, well he did and to all of Sunset towers. So he probably knows a lot of people and a lot of things. So that probably gives him the right to know something and have revenge over something so he could hurt someone. Also since he delivered mail to the Westing home he could of been the one to hurt Mr. Westing.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Police Report

     I received a call saying their was a bomb in the Theodarakis coffee shop at Sun Set Towers after the blizzard. Once I arrived, I walked into the coffee shop.  I saw tomato sauce splattered all over in the kitchen.  On the walls and just a bit every where.   In the first bombing It was Mrs. Theodorakis, she's the one who was cooking when the first bomb went off.  She was cooking tomato sauce in a can.  Their was tomato on her apron, hair and face. A witness, Mr. Doug Hoo, said his thought was that the oven was on to high, and that's his thought why the tomato sauce exploded.  The witnesses in this scene were the names of Theo and Chris Theodarakis, Sydelle Pulaski, George Theodarakis, Grace Wexler, and Judge Ford.

     I received another call saying their was a bomb in the Shin Hoo's Restaurant at Sun Set Towers.  Once I arrived, I walked into the restaurant.  I saw ashes on the ground.  I also noticed that someone was slightly injured. It was Mrs. Sydelle Pulaski. The people that were there with the ambulance, said they only thought Sydelle had a slight fracture in her right ankle. She was put on to a stretcher.  I also noticed that their were sprinklers set off. So it was told it was a good thing Mr. Hoo had a sprinkler system or he could of had a good fire. The witnesses in this scene were the names of Sydelle Pulaski, Otis Amber, Grace Wexler, Jake Wexler, Angela Wexler Turtle Wexler, Chris, Mr. and Mr. Theodarakis, Judge Ford, Mrs. Flora Baumbach.

     The similarities I have noticed are that in both scenes, once the bombs went off their was hissing, and then a bang bang, then their are red sparks then purple sparks. Second in both scenes both the bombs took place in kitchens.  Third their were many of the same witnesses in both of the scenes. 

    I believe that it is possible for Otis Amber to be a suspect since in the last bomb in Mr. Hoo's kitchen a bundled and booted figure walked through the door, and yelled Otis Amber has arrived.  Then straight after that that is when the bomb went off. So I believe possibly the person that walked through the door at that time could of yelled Otis's name to distract the witnesses, since it was a bit strange Otis had not been in either scene when the bombs went off. Even though the snow on the roads were keeping him from being there at that time you never know where he could have been. He could of set the bombs earlier, before he arrived.  So when the strange man arrived through the door, he could have been distracting the witnesses away from asking Otis why had he taken so long even though the roads were holding him back. Another strange thing was no one new the person.  That is the person I think If you put some certain clues together he could just maybe be the suspect setting off these bombs at Sun Set Towers.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

When I Grow Up...

When I Grow Up...

    When I grow up I would like to be an artist.  That paints and sketches.  The money I would collect from costumers when I would sell a painting.  Would go to a children's hospital for kids, that need the help to cure their sicknesses.  I hope I would help them and help make them happy!  I love art!
    When I grow up I would like to be a chef.  I would like to be a chef because I think it would be cool if you were a really good chef and you were able to compete in cooking shows! To see who made the better dish.  I have always wanted to make a really good dinner for my family.  But apparently at age ten I’m still a bit to young to make hard dishes.  I love cooking!
    When I grow up I want to be a dancer.  I would like to dance to hip-hop and be creative with the dances I dance in.  I would like to open a dance studio.  I like dancing because it’s a time you get to have fun and enjoy dancing.  Also you can enjoy dancing with your friends or family.  I love dancing!

By Kiersten Seufert
March 11, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

New Westing Character

     The new character I would add to  be Sydelle Pulaski's partner in The Westing Game would be a typical teenager.   That is at the age of 15.  Her name would be Liza.  She loves to chew bubble gum, she could go two hole weeks chewing the same piece of gum without switching to a new piece or flavor.  She thinks she knows every thing in the world [but she really doesn't].  She has a great personality.  If some body at the Sun Set Towers were to have a problem [girls only] with boys she would defiantly be the right kind of person to go to for advise.  Her kind of style is the kind of funky teenager look.  All she ever really wore for her kind of style was a hoodie with a tank top under, and capris and sneakers.  Also a funky checker striped hat with her hair down and straitened.  She will works in the coffee shop.  She also is some body that knows what happened more about the night Mr. Westing had died in his own home. She defiantly is a true friendly human being though, I could tell you that!